Minor Prophets: Haggai Lesson Three

Haggai has had the job of speaking to the nation of Israel, and getting them back to work on the temple. It had come to a stop for about 16 years. Opposition from outside forces, discouragement from within, and a general lack of dedication brought the work to a stand still. Haggai was sent to tell the nation it is time to finish the project, turn to God, get over discouragements and do the work. Hearing the word is one thing, but doing it is something completely different. We need to do the word of God not just hear only. Can you image the nation hearing the words of Haggai, and saying yes, but then going back to their house? So Haggai has given 2 messages, and it was time for the third, a message of encouragement, and something to look forward to.
Outline Handout
Haggai Lesson Three Notes