Christian Morals,
Christian Morals
What do we mean when we speak of Christian morals? On the surface one may view it as how Christians should act, what one should or should not do. Christian morals are not about legalism, and simply obeying the rules. It is about the changing of mind and heart, and being conformed into the image of Christ. If we limit our definition to the outward change and action, we are in danger of neglecting the only source of real Christian morals, and living a life of legalism.
Without heeding to the indwelling and guidance of the Holy Ghost, we fall to the same problem as the Pharisees of Jesus’ day. We enter into the dangerous area of a life of rules and regulations. Though the Bible is our ultimate guide to all issues of faith and practice. It is more than that. It is not simply a rule book, it does not just guide us for the do’s and dont’s of life. Following a rule book will make one presentable on the outside. On the other hand, having a personal relationship with the Author, and abiding with Him changes the inside.
Christian morals should not be confined to a list of do’s and dont’s, but stem from something deeper, something more powerful. The very presence of God leading and guiding our every step. Not only that, but also our thoughts. True Christian morals do not originate within the Christian, but with Christ living within them. When Christians allow the Spirit of God within them to seize control, and express Himself on the outside, then we will will be practicing christian morals.