Psalm 119 Review part 1

Psalm 119 Review
What is a Mnemonic devices? ____________________________________________________
What type of Mnemonic device is used in Psalm 119? _________________________________
How many verses are in each stanza of this device?
Which direction is the Hebrew written in, and why? ___________________________________
What is a Pictograph, as it refers to the Hebrew alphabet? ______________________________
Vs.1-8 begin with the Hebrew letter Aleph, what was the original picture, and what did it represent? ____________________________________________________________________
Vs.2 says “Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.” How does this set the tone of the rest of the Psalm? ___________________________________
Vs.9-16 begin with the Hebrew Bet, which is represented by what picture? _______________
The Bet is a great letter to show the connection of the picture to the idea, examples are:Alef Bet- Father, Bet Reysh- son (older), Lamed Bet- Heart, Bet Noon- child (younger), Samech Bet, grandfather, Bet Tav- daughter. Describe how the pictures come together to form a word? _____________________________________________________________________________
Fill in the blanks, “Thy word have I ____ in mine _____, that I might _____ _____ against _____.”
The Letter Gimel was represented by a camel foot, what idea did it represent?______________
119:19 the Psalmist calls himself a “stranger in the earth”, what did he mean by this? _____________________________________________________________________________
the word of God often portrays us as pilgrims and strangers to a forging land.
The Letter Dalet was represented by a door, what idea was it putting forth? _____________________________________________________________________________
In vs.26-32 the Psalmist ask God to Teach him, and to Make him understand, explaine how this is the work of God, and not pure diligence of the person?
The Letter Hey carries the idea of behold, or to show, or to reveal, what was the picture used to make this point? ________________________________________________________
vs.35 “make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight”, explain if it is the psalmist delight, why does he have to be made to go in them”
The Letter Vav was the picture of a tent peg, what idea did it carry? ________________
Another theme found in Psalm 119 is that of judgment, vs.43 says the psalmist “hoped in they judgment” why is this? ______________________________________________________
The Letter Zayen is the picture of a weapon, what idea does it carry? _______________
Vs.54 “thy statues have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.” explain this verse? _______________________________________________________________________
The Letter Chet has the idea of separation, to cur off, to protect, what picture is used to convey this thought? ___________________________________________________________
Vs.63 “I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts.”how is the word companion tied to the idea of the letter chet?
The letter Tet represents to surround, to twist, what figure did they use to make this point? _______________________________________________________________________
vs.71 says “it is good for me that I have been afflicted” Why would one feel this way? _____________________________________________________________________________
The Letter Yood is represented by a closed hand, and it carries the idea of ___________.
Psalmist declares in vs.73 “Thy hands have made me and fashioned me:” how is this truth represented in other scriptures? _______________________________________________
Yood Hey Vav Hey is what Hebrew word, and how does it translate. ________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
Last week we ended with the closed hand of Yood, this week we start with the open hand of Kaf, what did this picture represent? _______________________________________________
Vs.83 “For I am become like a bottle in the smoke;…” What does this mean? _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________
Vs.89-96 all begin with a letter that carries the idea to prod forward, to control, to go forward, what was the letter, and what was the original picture? _________________________________
Vs.96 “I have seen an end of all perfection; but thy commandment is exceedingly broad.” What does this mean? _______________________________________________________________
The letter that begins vs.97-104 is Mem, it was drawn as waves of water, what did it represent? (think of ocean) _______________________________________________________________
In this section the psalmist claims to have more understanding that his enemies, his teachers, and the ancients, why does he feel this way? ________________________________________
The letter Noon was drawn to look like a fish or a sprout of new vegetation, what idea was it to represent? ____________________________________________________________________
Vs.105 fill in the blanks “Thy ____ is a _____ unto my ____, and a _____ unto my ____.”
The letter Samech was drawn as a prop, or a support to a tree or plant. It carried the idea of support, turning (such as forcing a plant to grow in a direction). Why would the original users of this letter have confidence that others would understand the meaning? __________________
Vs.119 “Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross;…” What is dross, and what does this picture? __________________________________________________________
Vs.121-128 all begin with the ayin, it has the idea of to see, understand, experience, what picture was used for this thought? _________________________________________________
vs.124 why would the psalmist plea with God to deal with him according to His mercy and not His grace? _____________________________________________________________
The letter Pey was represented by a mouth, what were some of the ideas it carried? _____________________________________________________________________________
Explain vs.130 “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.” _____________________________________________________________________
The Tsade was drawn as a fishhook, place a check beside the words that contain a Tsade in them: ___ Desire/ ___ Fear/ ___Distress/ ___ Hornet/ ___Thirst/ ___ Justice
vs.137 “Righteous art thou, O’ LORD, and upright are thy judgments” Explain this? _____________________________________________________________________________
The Letter Qoof was represented by the back of the head, what idea did it carry? _____________________________________________________________________________
vs.147&148 both state that he “prevented” the dawn and the night watch, in order to meditate or hope in the word, what was he saying? ____________________________________
The letter Reysh was represented by the front of the head, what idea does it carry? _____________________________________________________________________________
“I Beheld the transgressors, and was grieved; because they kept not thy word.” Who was this grief directed toward? _______________________________________________________
The letter Sheen represented to devour/ to consume/ to destroy/ something sharp, what picture was used? ______________________________________________________________
The psalmist rejoices in the word as one who has found a “great spoil” what other way could this be said? _____________________________________________________________
The last letter was the Tav, it represented ownership, finished, to seal, to make a covenant, join together, what picture was used? ______________________________________
What has been the most dominant theme of this Psalm? _________________________
What lessons can we take form this Psalm?