Daniel Lesson 21 Handout

Daniel Lesson 21
Text: Daniel 11:1-20
Prophecies Persian, 1&2
Prophecies are one of the proofs of the Inspiration of God’s word,
God Revealed Secrets to Daniel,
Daniel 2:22 “He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him”
Prophecies concerning Persia four kings,
Cambyses 530-522
Pseudo-Smerdis 522-521
Darius I 521-486
Xerxes 496-465
The Mighty King, vs.3&4
His 4 generals were:
Cassander (Antigonus) (an-tig-a-nus), to the north in Greece,
Lysimachus (Li-sim-a-cus), Turkey, to the north
Seleucus (see-luke-us), Middle East, Syria,
Ptolemy (tol-a-may), Over Egypt
Kings of the North and South,
Ptolemy I, Seleucus I, vs.5
The King of the south shall be strong,
Ptolemy II, Philadephus, Antiocuhus II, vs.6
Marriage of Convenience,
Ptolemy III, Euergerets, Selecucs, vs.7-9
A New King Over Egypt,
Ptolemy, IV, Philopater, Antiochus, vs. 10-19
The North and South Conflict,